Monday, December 19, 2011

Ruh Roh Videos: Darrell Issa and Raul Labrador appear on Univision

This is extremely significant because both Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House Oversight Committee and Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID) appeared on Univision with Jorge Ramos, the same reporter who interviewed Barack Obama back in March about the latter's knowledge of Fast and Furious.

These videos found in my inbox from Issa's Press Secretary. If you can speak Spanish, go ahead and watch the clips. If no habla Espanol, just know how huge it is for these men to be interviewed on Univision. Issa's interview is translated but Labrador gives his in Spanish, which may actually be more effective.

First, here is Issa's interview:

Here is Labrador. Don't even click play if you don't understand Spanish:

Back in March, Ramos interviewed Obama about the latter's knowledge of Fast and Furious Rapido y Furioso.

This one is in English.

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