Thursday, December 1, 2011

Second US Senator Calls for Holder to Resign

The running tally for the number of Congressmen and Senators who are calling for the resignation of Attorney General Eric Holder over operation Fast and Furious is now 52 and 2, respectively. Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) joins his colleague, Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) on the growing list.

Via the Daily Caller:
The pressure appears to have gotten to Holder. On Tuesday he lost control when TheDC asked what he thought of the surge in calls for his resignation. 
“You guys need to — you need to stop this,” Holder said at a White House event. “It’s not an organic thing that’s just happening. You guys are behind it.” 
Subsequently, the White House refused to comment when TheDC asked if President Barack Obama plans to hold Holder to the same standard he applied to former attorney general Alberto Gonzales when Obama, then a U,S. Senator, demanded Gonzales’ resignation in 2007. 
Inhofe told TheDC he thinks Holder’s reaction is a sign that the Obama administration and Holder have been “caught” doing something wrong and they don’t know how to deal with it other than to attack the messenger. 
“Any time someone gets caught doing something like this, if they can [they] blame it on what they consider to be a minority,” Inhofe said. “And they consider the right wing to be minority, even though they’re wrong — if they can do that, they think they can somehow try to transfer the wrongdoing to another party in showing that they have a motivation for this to do things that are not honest.”
This is in no way insignificant. Inhofe is a more prominent and well known senator than is Isakson and this movement is showing signs of the wrong kind of inertia for Holder.

Moreover, though there are no Democrats on the list of legislators that are calling for Holder to step down, the closer we get to the election, the more likely that is to change, especially in battleground states / districts.

Reminder: December 8th, the Holder showdown with Issa promises to be more compelling than a Wrestlemania cage match.

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