Sunday, December 4, 2011

Video: Biden calls for Syria's Bashar al-Assad to Step Down

I'm sorry, as tempting as it may be to argue that Joe Biden is this stupid, I just can't do it. While in Turkey, which is rapidly acquiring more and more power with each Middle Eastern dictator that falls, Biden called on Syria's Bashar al-Assad to step down. Once again, the United States is playing right into the hands of the extremely Islamist government of Turkey.

As clear-thinking American citizens warned before Mubarak fell, the Muslim Brotherhood will take over. They have. As clear-thinking American citizens warned before Gadhafi fell, the Muslim Brotherhood will take over. They have. In fact, al-Qaeda flags are flying all over those countries right  now.

Once again, clear-thinking American citizens are warning that when Assad goes, the Muslim Brotherhood will take over.

Well, Biden may personally be this stupid but those directing him certainly are not.

h/t Hapblog

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