Thursday, December 8, 2011

Video: Congressman Threatens Holder with Impeachment... To his Face

In today's House Judiciary Committee hearing into operation Fast and Furious, there were several noteworthy exchanges. One of them was unquestionably between Rep. James Sensenbrenner and the man who was in front of the committee, Attorney General Eric Holder.

Sensenbrenner called attention to an increasingly high profile letter from the Department of Justice to Senator Charles Grassley on February 4th. That letter, signed by Asst Attorney General Ronald Weich, asserted that the ATF does not let guns 'walk.' The DOJ withdrew that letter last week due to 'inaccuracies.' Sensenbrenner was in no mood to split hairs between 'inaccuracies' and 'lies.'

At one point, the congressman from Wisconsin threatened impeachment if Holder and his Justice Department do not come clean. This may seem like an extreme call but the significance of the DOJ withdrawing a letter it sent to Congress ten months after it did so, cannot be overstated. In fact, it needs to be underscored. Bringing up impeachment is a good way of doing that.

Sensenbrenner nails it here.

From POLITICO via Floyd Reports:

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