Saturday, December 3, 2011

Video: Grassley Calls out Holder and Napolitano from Senate Floor

Consider this to be a 10 minute appetizer for the December 8th House Judiciary Committee hearing at which Attorney General Eric Holder will be grilled by the likes of Darrell Issa and other congressmen. Here, Grassley raises very serious and legitimate questions that are certain to be asked of Holder. In sworn testimony in front of various committees, both Holder and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano allege that they were not made aware of Fast and Furious until February of 2011, despite the fact that Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was murdered on December 15, 2010.

In the recent document dump from the White House, memos and emails prove that high-ranking officials, including Arizona US Attorney Dennis Burke and others knew about the connection within hours of Terry's death. It is also known that Napolitano visited Burke's office days after Terry's murder but maintained she was not informed about the connection. This raises several questions, which Grassley rightly asks in the video below but we might be getting a sneak peak into the strategy of the administration.

Look for Burke and company to be blamed for not reporting the Fast and Furious connection up the chain. That's not believable but it will be interesting to see how Issa and company confront Holder about that narrative. It is already known that Burke has been cooperating with congressional investigators. If he told those investigators that the likes of Holder and Napolitano were informed very soon after Terry's death, Thursday's hearing would be a good time for Issa to bring it up.

Anyway, here is Grassley on the Senate floor this week.

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