Friday, December 9, 2011

Video Highlights from House Judiciary Committee on Fast and Furious

Rep. Sandy Adams (R-FL) was not happy. She identified herself as a former police officer and her husband as a current officer. She took great exception to Eric Holder's assertion that the committee was going after Fast and Furious to score 'political points.'

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) opened his line of questioning by asking Holder if the Attorney General had spoken with Barack Obama about Fast and Furious; Holder said that he had not. Chaffetz then asked Holder to explain how Obama was so confident that his Attorney General didn't know about Fast and Furious if he never spoke with him.

Holder's response? To paraphrase, someone else must have told Obama.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Eric Holder argue the difference between 'demonstrably false' and 'inaccurate' with respect to the February 4th letter in which Asst Atty General Ronald Weich said the charge that the ATF allows guns to 'walk' is 'false.' The DOJ withdrew that letter. Logic sides with Gowdy and Holder has the low ground here.

Here, Darrell Issa compares Eric Holder to Richard Nixon's Attorney General, John Mitchell after Holder claims that he will act as previous Attorneys General have done with respect to withholding documents. Holder responds by comparing Issa to Joe McCarthy.

Via Oversight Committee

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