Saturday, December 17, 2011

Video: Hollywood Actor sees what China is Really Like

Hollywood actor Christian Bale was in Beijing recently to promote his latest film about the Japanese invasion in the 20th century. Instead of getting on the plane to head home, however, he decided to take a 8 hour car ride outside the city to visit a blind, anti-abortion activist named Chen Guangcheng, who has been sentenced to home confinement after serving his four-year prison sentence. It's pretty safe to say that Chinese secret police, who were stationed near Chen's home, did not welcome Bale with the open arms he received in Beijing.

Check out this video from CNN via Verum Serum of Bale's attempt to visit Chen Guangcheng. In it, Bale admits it's not in his nature to insert himself into such situations but that in this case, he simply could not look the other way. I must admit, I was surprised to hear in this report, that Hillary Clinton has raised this issue of Chen's plight as well.

That is what we call an eye-opening experience and Bale deserves heaps of credit for putting himself in the position of having it. The actor is known for having a temper and once went off on the photography director who interrupted him during a movie scene. It would really be nice to see Bale channel that energy into fighting for a cause like the one he was exposed to 8 hours outside of Beijing.

In fact, it'd be nice to see someone like Chen get the treatment Nelson Mandela got from the left but the former is an anti-abortion activist, which is a big strike against him.

VS has another video, shot from inside the home of Chen. He is constantly monitored by non-uniformed security guards outside his home. As you watch, keep in mind how many people on the left in America revere China.

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