Friday, December 16, 2011

Video: Iowa Radio Host Punks Chris Matthews on Television

If your name is Chris Matthews, this went downhill very fast. After introducing WHO talk show host Simon Conway, who was in the middle of doing his own show, the MSNBC host immediately got  defensive after being greeted as a 'Democrat.' Matthews didn't like the label and attempted to get Conway to identify himself as a Republican.

As Matthews gets increasingly agitated, Conway gets a bigger smile. The best part comes at the end of this clip when Conway accuses Matthews of 'working for the reelection of Barack Obama.' It's the truth and Matthews couldn't deny it but he also doesn't admit it. The charge, though, prompted Matthews to then ask who Conway is working toward getting elected. Conway responded that he's trying to get a conservative elected.

Watch this exchange between a liberal who likes to be perceived as something he's not and a conservative, proud to declare what he is.

Via NewsBusters:

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