Monday, December 26, 2011

Video: Ron Paul = Jeremiah Wright

That title is a bit of an oversimplification but the Washington Post's Charles Lane made the case on Fox News Sunday that when it comes to foreign policy, Ron Paul is to the left of Obama's former pastor.

Paul has all but said he can't come out in support of the Truthers because he doesn't want to deal with the controversy and subsequent fallout. Consequently, it seems that he's had to adopt another view which, on the surface, may seem more mainstream, or at least less politically radioactive but here's the problem. By taking the view that 9/11 was perpetrated by radical Islamists while also holding the view that US foreign policy drove them to it, Ron Paul is squarely in the camp of Jeremiah Wright.

Then again, if Paul expressed public support for the Truthers, he'd be in the camp of Van Jones.

Lane nails it here.

Don't look now but the longer Ron Paul is showcased, the more his position unravels.

Via Daily Caller:

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