Thursday, December 22, 2011

Video: Ron Paul Quite Testy about those Newsletters

Like it or not, this story has a Jeremiah Wright quality to it. A newsletter published under Ron Paul's name in the 1980's is quite anti-semitic. One thing I didn't know is that an article with Paul's name on it allegedly says the Jews were responsible for the first WTC bombing. Paul's argument is that he didn't write them, he didn't read them at the time, and he disavows them now.

It's not just the anti-semitism angle that evokes Jeremiah Wright comparisons. It's Paul's denial that he knew nothing about the content of the newsletters with his name all over them. It's a little like Barack Obama saying he spent 20 years in Wright's church and didn't know what he believed.

Here, Paul abruptly ends his interview with CNN's Gloria Borger after being asked to explain the content of the newsletters.

I find that take interesting in light of Paul's unearthed explanation for why he hasn't come out publicly in support of the belief that the Bush Administration perpetrated the second WTC attacks. The denial Paul gives to CNN is not all that dissimilar from the denials he gives about agreeing with the Truthers, which makes this moment of 'truth' Paul shares with a truther, quite interesting.

Fast forward to the :50 mark:

h/t Hapblog

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