Friday, December 16, 2011

Video: Ron Paul vs. Michele Bachmann on Iran

The only cogent aspect to Ron Paul's argument here is that America is broke. Other than that, he's clueless. For example, one of the arguments he uses to make his case that Islamists hate us because of what we do, not because of who we are, is that Islamists come to the United States, not Switzerland or Sweden. Uh, Ron, in case you haven't noticed, those countries are dealing with an enormous influx of Muslims.

Bachmann comes back by citing an IAEA report that says Iran is within months of obtaining a nuclear weapon. Paul responds by saying there is no such report and then contradicts himself by saying, 'they produced the information that led you to believe that.'

This man is causing me to diminish the impact of the word 'insane.'

Here's more from Bachmann in response to Paul's lunacy. She's absolutely right about Islam's desire to reestablish a caliphate:

Via Stage Right

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