Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Video: UN Demonizes Santa Clause in Christmas Ad

Regardless of where you come down on the issue of whether or not there is a 'War on Christmas,' this is beyond disgraceful. Even if you think Christmas has become too commercialized, this is beyond disgraceful. If you're in the camp of folks that says Christianity has been merged with a pagan holiday and aren't a fan of Santa Claus, this is still beyond disgraceful.

The United Nations has put together an ad that actually demonizes Santa Claus as someone not interested in landing his sleigh in poor countries; he's only interested in helping the rich.

This takes class warfare to a new low.

Shockingly, UNICEF actually thinks this will motivate people to shop with them for Christmas gifts.

The tagline at the end is also a disgrace:

"UNICEF: We go where Santa doesn't"


h/t Weasel Zippers

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