Thursday, January 20, 2011

Video: CNN's Anderson Cooper RIPS Democrat Rep Cohen for Nazi Comparisons

Say what you will about Anderson Cooper but he is not an Olbermann / Matthews type liberal lapdog. He shredded Rep. Eddie Bernice-Johnson (D-Dallas) over her distributing Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) dollars to family members. He was tough on the Obama administration over its handling of the BP Oil spill.

Here, he takes Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Memphis)to the woodshed over the latter's comparing the Tea Party and Republicans to Nazis. Even Bill O'Reilly wouldn't have been as tough as Anderson was.

Via HapBlog

Arizona Sheriff Dupnik Silenced on Loughner Shooting

There are many angles to this one. As Sheriff Dupnik's mouth kept running about how talk radio and rhetoric was responsible for Jared Loughner's shooting spree, multiple people pointed to how the more he spoke, the more he would damage the prosecution's case. It appears that speculation has become a reality based on a news report from Tucson's ABC affiliate, KGUN-9. Indications are that there is some friction between the Sheriff's Office and the County Attorney's Office.

TUCSON (KGUN9-TV) - The Pima County Sheriff's Department has suddenly turned off the flow of information in the January 8th mass shootings in Tucson. Shortly after noon Tuesday Sheriff's PIO Jason Ogan released this terse, one-line statement:

"Until further notice, due to a controversy between the Sheriff's Department and the County Attorney's office, no further information reference the January 8, 2011 shooting will be released."
Interestingly, now that marching orders seem to be taking shape with respect to who is being prosecuted by whom, the County Attorney will have skin in the game, which likely plays a big factor here.
The federal government is prosecuting accused gunman Jared Lee Loughner only on those charges related to his actions against victims who were federal employees. It will be up to County Attorney Barbara LaWall to decide when, and whether, to prosecute Loughner on charges related to the other victims.

The word "controversy" contained in the statement would seem to imply some sort of disagreement or discord between the Sheriff's Department and LaWall's office. But the statement did not elaborate about the nature of the controversy. When contacted by KGUN9 News, LaWall's office declined to comment.
So Loughner will be charged by the Feds relative to the deaths of Judge John Roll and a Giffords aide as well as the attempted murder of Giffords herself. The County Attorney will be responsible for prosecuting Loughner relative to his other victims. Before these prosecutorial lines had been established, Dupnik was popping off and getting phone calls from the President thanking him for his work. If the County Attorney's office is now demanding that Dupnik's Department zip their lips, why didn't the Feds do the same thing in the days after the shooting?

h/t The Blaze

Video: Democrat Tones Down Rhetoric by Comparing Republicans to Nazis

The meat in this clip is obviously Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) making the allegation that Republicans are behaving like Nazis after studying Josef Goebbels, by telling a lie over and over until it's believed. The lie, according to Cohen, is that Obamacare is a government takeover of health care. The relevance of the comparison takes on added significance in light of the Democrats' call for toning down the rhetoric after the Arizona shootings but the lies came from Cohen himself in this little diatribe, which only bolsters the case of his opponents.

For starters, he referred to the Tea Party as the 'tail that wags the dog.' The implication of that charge is that the American people are not in charge, the government is. The second thing he said was when he cited a source to make his case. Cohen literally said that PolitiFact is non-partisan, which is like saying water is not wet.

As for the charge that conservatives are behaving like Nazis... In 2007, Cohen became Tennessee's first Jewish Congressman and pledged on the 2006 campaign trail that he would also attempt to become the first white person in the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). But alas, was ultimately told that whites need not apply. Considering that over 70% of the CBC's members are registered with the Socialist Caucus and discriminate based on race, perhaps Cohen is engaging in a bit of projection here. Who else was racist and socialist?

Gee, I wonder.

h/t Hot Air