Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Video: ATF Phoenix SAC William Newell Grilled over Fast and Furious

This is but one of several compelling exchanges from today's Fast and Furious Hearing called to order by House Oversight and Government Reform committee chairman, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA). The most anticipated testimony was from that of William Newell, former ATF Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Phoenix Division. Rep. Patrick Meehan grilled Newell. E-mails and evidence demonstrably show that Newell was integrally involved in Fast and Furious. However, he decided to stonewall all day long. This exchange is one of multiple examples.

Audio: Boehner's Interview with Rush Limbaugh

Don't be fooled by Rush's very gracious welcome of House Speaker John Boehner to his show. In fact, Rush was so masterful at getting Boehner to expose himself that the Speaker realized what he said and so anticipated Rush's obvious next question that he answered it as if it were actually asked. Listen to the whole exchange but the nugget starts at the 3:40 mark. Limbaugh asks Boehner about the $1 Trillion increase in the debt ceiling compared with the $1.1 Trillion in spending cuts. The former will be spent in six months while the latter is spread out over ten years. Boehner realized he was busted and threw out a pretty lame excuse to justify the gross disparity.

Boehner's excuse? 'We waited to long to deal with the problem' and then he goes into some bizarre explanation about baby boomers.

h/t Hapblog:

Video: DeMint Slams both Reid and Boehner Plans

If Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) is correct, then House Speaker John Boehner is nothing more than a bit player in a Kabuki dance, designed to portray the perception that Republicans have defeated the Democrats in the debt ceiling debate. My inclination is to believe DeMint more than anyone else in the Senate if not everyone in all of Congress. If there were any congressmen who are more trustworthy, the list certainly doesn't include Boehner. The trick being played on the people by the establishment involves a premise that says the dollars in cuts will exceed the increase in the debt ceiling amount. The problem is the cuts are ten years out and the limit on the debt ceiling is only six months out.

If Boehner is playing games, he needs to be primaried. PERIOD.

Here is Jim DeMint with Greta after Obama's speech and Boehner's rebuttal via Fox: