Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Video: CAIR vs. 9/11 Coloring Book Publisher, Round 2

Last week, we learned that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) objected to a 9/11 coloring book that portrayed the September 11th hijackers as Muslim. Despite the fact that they WERE Muslim, CAIR's Executive Director for Michigan, Dawud Walid called the coloring book 'disgusting.' As the controversy garnered more exposure, Wayne Bell, the publisher of the coloring book debated Walid on CNN's headline news. The best line of this clip comes from Bell, who called Osama bin Laden a 'devil worshipper.' That appeared to get Walid's dander up. It looked like he was going to take 'great exception' to something Bell said but unfortunately, Bell continued talking when he may have been better served to let Walid show his true colors.

It's unusual for CAIR to agree to debate opposition guests so this is a bit of an exception; it's also a fight CAIR would probably be better served not to engage in. A depiction of 9/11 hijackers as Muslim is not a reach. It's a fact.

At one point, Walid actually invokes the name of Dr. Seuss to make his point that cartoons have a history of being discriminatory against minorities. Yeah, that Dr. Seuss.

If you'd like to get caught up on the story before watching the debate, click HERE.

Via Big Peace, h/t Jawa:

Another Federal Judge Blocks Another State's Immigration Law

After the state of Arizona passed its anti-illegal immigration bill, SB 1070 last year, Federal judge Susan Bolton blocked its full implementation by de-fanging the law's most important components. The law has wallowed in limbo ever since. When the state of Oklahoma passed a ballot measure last year that banned the implementation of Sharia law, a Federal judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange issued a permanent injunction that prevented its implementation, despited voters' support for the measure by 70%. Now, another Federal judge has decided to put a halt on another state's immigration law.

Via the AP:
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) -- A federal judge temporarily blocked enforcement of Alabama's new law cracking down on illegal immigration, ruling Monday that she needed more time to decide whether the law opposed by the Obama administration, church leaders and immigrant-rights groups is constitutional.

The brief order by U.S. District Judge Sharon L. Blackburn means the law - which opponents and supporters alike have called the toughest in the nation - won't take effect as scheduled on Thursday. The ruling was cheered both by Republican leaders who were pleased the judge didn't gut the law and by opponents who compare it to old Jim Crow-era statutes against racial integration.

Blackburn didn't address whether the law is constitutional, and she could still let all or parts of the law take effect later. Instead, she said she needed more time to consider lawsuits filed by the Justice Department, private groups and individuals that claim the state is overstepping its bounds.

The judge said she will issue a longer ruling by Sept. 28, and her temporary order will remain in effect until the day after. She heard arguments from the Justice Department and others during a daylong hearing last week.

Similar laws have been passed in Arizona, Utah, Indiana and Georgia. Federal judges already have blocked all or parts of the laws in those states.
As the Federal government continues to magically find judges all over the country to do their bidding, shouldn't it call into question the allegiance of these judges? From the Declaration of Independence:
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
It'd really be nice to see governors across the country unite against this type of tyranny.

h/t Free Republic

Video: Fox's Brian Kilmeade Challenges Jon Huntsman on Global Warming Stance

Presidential candidate Jon Huntsman is a RINO and probably the most liberal Republican in the race. He has almost no presence and appears like a figment of a candidate on the debate stage. He's got an establishment pedigree that goes back decades, which should at least warrant serious questions about his loyalties to it. He's also a believer in Al Gore's junk science known as man-made climate change. Here, Fox's Brian Kilmeade takes exception to Huntsman's claim that 'climate change has an established body of science associated with it.'

Kilmeade obviously hit Huntsman with a level of rejection for that notion that the former Utah governor wasn't expecting. Huntsman was not prepared to address Kilmeade's assertion that the entire movement consists of serious corruption so he attempted to dismiss that as a significant reality in light of his belief in climate change. He deflected and then told Kilmeade we have to get serious about the larger picture. Part of Kilmeade's answer included, 'tell the scientists to get serious and stop making things up.'

Via Daily Caller: