Friday, January 13, 2012

Coast Guard having to Protect Ships from OWS

Back in December, OWS attempted to shut down all major ports along the Pacific coast. The plan had the support of former Obama green jobs czar, Van Jones. OWS is ratcheting up the effort to a point that requires the Coast Guard to escort ships into these ports. The reality is that OWS, which has the support of an unrepentant terrorist in Bill Ayers, is becoming a terrorist movement itself.

In early December, I suggested that the House Judiciary Committee ask Attorney General Eric Holder what the FBI is doing about OWS's agenda in this regard. They did not do that but Mr. Holder will be in front of Rep. Darrell Issa's Oversight Committee in about three weeks, on February 2nd (groundhog day).

Here is the latest on OWS and west coast ports, via TDN:
The U.S. Coast Guard will escort the first ship coming to the EGT grain terminal at the Port of Longview this month, and the Occupy movement and local labor groups say they are planning to greet the vessel with a massive protest.

EGT officials say they have not scheduled a date for the ship's arrival. The freighter is expected to haul thousands of tons of grain to Asia, but opposition groups are already marshaling their forces to support the lengthy protest by union dock workers at the grain terminal.

"We just want to swell the population of the city to show there are people behind us," said Jeff Washburn, president of the Cowlitz Wahkiakum Central Labor Council, which passed a resolution calling for a protest this week. 
He added that the labor council plans no attempt to stop the ship, a sentiment echoed in a similar call for protest by leaders of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union.

However, the Occupy movement is taking a more aggressive stance, calling for members nationwide to gather outside Port of Longview gates and thwart efforts to load the ship, said Paul Nipper, an organizer for Occupy Longview. The group shut down the ports coastwide, including Longview, Dec. 8.
Speaking of Van Jones, he is attempting to exploit MLK day to escalate the #Occupy movement. Check out the letter signed by Jones that refers to MLK as "the original occupier." Jones wants OWS to go crazy on MLK day, apparently.

How is this not inciting insurrection and lawlessness?

h/t GWP

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