Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Jeffrey Lord hits back at the Republican Establishment

If you're a conservative and don't know if you should go with Gingrich or Romney, Jeffrey Lord's latest piece at the American Spectator should help you decide.

Via the Spectator:
"Ford Declares Reagan Can't Win" -- Headline in The New York Times, March 1, 1980

Yet still more mush from the wimps.

To borrow a famous Reagan phrase: "Well, there they go again."

Somewhere an exasperated Gipper is doubtless shaking his head.

The war between conservatives and the Republican Establishment -- and make no mistake, this is a war -- is on once more.

The people who brought the GOP losing candidates from Dewey to Dole are at it again.

Last week's assault on Newt Gingrich -- with various Romney supporters seriously and deceptively trying to tell unwitting voters that Gingrich was never really a real Reagan ally -- in reality has nothing to do with Newt Gingrich at all.
A certain staunch conservative - former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin - has been practically screaming for people to vote for Newt as her 2008 establishment running mate - John McCain - continues to stump for Romney.

Lord continues:
Sarah Palin is dead-on right.

If Newt Gingrich disappeared from the planet today and in his place stood only Rick Santorum -- or Sarah Palin herself or some other conservative -- you can be certain the Establishment GOP would have their sights trained on that conservative, running some version of precisely the same multi-gazillion dollar campaign they are running against Newt Gingrich right now. As a matter of fact, they did exactly this to Governor Palin from the very moment she stepped on the national stage in 2008. If by chance Rick Santorum emerges as the sole conservative left in this race -- look out Rick.
Here is Sarah Palin's appearance on Hannity one night before the Florida primary:

Read Lord's entire piece. It's long but well worth it.

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