Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Looks like Newt has someone else to tie to Saul Alinsky

Newt Gingrich has been going after Obama pretty hard on the Saul Alinsky connection. Mitt Romney will have a much tougher time of it in light of these photos. Mitt's dad, George, is seen meeting with Alinsky in 1967.

In fact, it's not just that the two men met but that George wanted to give legitimacy and voice to Obama's ideological hero.

Remember when Hillary attempted to nail Obama in a debate over his connection to Bill Ayers? Obama one-upped her by pointing out that her husband pardoned two Weather Underground members. This may not be as bad as that but the optics certainly can't be good.

Via Buzzfeed:
"I think you ought to listen to Alinsky," Romney told his white allies, according to T. George Harris's 1968 book "Romney's Way."

‘It seems to me that we are always talking to the same people. Maybe the time has come to hear new voices," he said.
Perhaps those words may be worse than the two men meeting. Nonetheless, George and Saul looked to be a little too chummy.

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