Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mitt's Super PAC Responds to Newt's Super Pac Documentary

Well, that didn't take long. As soon as Newt's Super PAC - Winning Our Future - released the full length documentary, King of Bain, which goes after Mitt Romney's private sector experience, Mitt's Super PAC - Restoring Our Future - releases an ad going right after Newt on a host of issues. Gingrich has backed off of his attacks on Romney over Bain but that didn't stop his Super PAC from doing so. If the documentary gets traction, Newt might just enter the ring again on that issue. It is a powerful documentary, regardless of what side of the argument you're on.

As for the mano-a-mano between Newt and Mitt that is fully underway, it helps two people - Ron Paul and Rick Santorum.

Newt hinted after the Iowa caucus that he would attack Romney almost on behalf of Santorum, like a Nascar driver running interference for his teammate.

Nonetheless, this battle between two Republicans can only get uglier.

The good news? Perhaps it will give us a nominee willing to take the gloves off against Obama this time.

h/t Hot Air

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