Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Newt Pledge: Overthrow Castro Regime

Gotta admit, after three years of watching an administration cater to South and Central American thugs, it was a bit refreshing to at least hear someone at this level offer some counterbalance.

Via Newsmax:
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich vowed Monday night that as president he will "overthrow the regime" of Fidel Castro.

Responding to a question by Brian Williams during the NBC debate in Tampa about U.S. policy toward Cuba, Gingrich said he would press for a "Cuban spring," much like the Arab spring sweeping the Middle East.

"We will not tolerate four more years of this [Castro] regime," Gingrich said.
There is a reason Gingrich would say such things in Florida. The overwhelming majority of Cubans who fled Castro, along with their descendants, passionately agree with the sentiment.

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