Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Newt's Best Line came BEFORE the Debate

Make no mistake. Barack Obama does NOT want to face Newt Gingrich in the fall. He wants Romney. The actions of the 'in-the-tank-for-Obama-media' will tell you that. Anyone with a modicum of logic can see that the liberal media is doing all it can to help Romney become the nominee. Why would they do that? For the same reason they wanted McCain in 2008; he is the least viable.

While at a Tea Party Convention hours before the South Carolina debate, Newt delivered perhaps the line of the campaign by encapsulating exactly why nominating Romney is a very dumb idea.

Via National Journal:
“Why would you want to nominate the guy who lost to the guy who lost to Obama?” Gingrich asked a lively crowd at the Rioz Brazilian Steakhouse, referring to Romney’s loss to eventual nominee John McCain in the 2008 primaries. He said the GOP establishment “can't argue his record in Massachusetts because he's too liberal,” so they are making the electability case.
A better question cannot be asked and it can only be honestly answered by looking at the agenda of a liberal media that wants to be portrayed as objective.

Obama wants Romney. Period.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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