Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Santorum Shocks in Iowa: Comes in Second

The bad news for Rick Santorum supporters is... well there really isn't any but if there was, it would be that he missed winning the Iowa caucus by eight measly votes to Mitt Romney. Two weeks ago, however, Santorum was all but written off. The good news, aside from getting the majority of conservative votes in that state, might just be that he didn't win Iowa.

When it comes to winning the Presidency, Republicans who do so after winning the Iowa caucus are almost considered rare. In fact, according to Russ J. Alan at Renew America, the winner of the Iowa caucus is unlikely to win the nomination and, if he does, won't win presidency.
History since 1976 has shown us that if the candidate is not the incumbent president, unless the incumbent President is serving his second term, if the said candidate wins the Iowa Caucus for his party, he USUALLY does not win his party's nomination but NEVER becomes President of the United States. 
Since 1976, only two candidates who won the Iowa Caucus for their parties ever became the President of the United States. They were George W. Bush in 2000, and Barack Obama in 2008; however, had either of the incumbent presidents, Bill Clinton or President Bush, respectively, not been serving their second terms, neither Candidate Bush nor Barack Obama would have won their general elections for the President of the United States, history shows.
More good news for Santorum might just be that as the results came in, Rick Perry appeared to indicate that he could likely be dropping out (he said his campaign was going back to Texas to 'assess'). The majority of his votes are likely to go to the 'not-Romney' candidate, which is shaping up to be Santorum in this very fluid primary season.

Bachmann came in last place, if you don't count Jon Huntsman, who all but thumbed his nose at Iowa. Like Perry, if she drops out, most of her votes are likely to go to Santorum. Gingrich, who came in fourth place in Iowa, had very kind words for Santorum as he spoke to the crowd. He had equally angry words for Mitt Romney and seemed to indicate that the former Massachusetts governor will be Gingrich's target in New Hampshire; this will only benefit Santorum. If this race comes down to Romney, Santorum, and Paul, look for Gingrich to put his support behind the former Pennsylvania Senator.

Alan sums up why Santorum might have benefited by coming in second place.
Got a favorite in the Republican Primary that you'd like to see in the White House? Pray that she or he loses the Iowa Republican Caucus. Then she or he will have a shot at winning the general election for the President of the United States — history shows.
Check out what happens to Iowa caucus winners.

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