Monday, January 9, 2012

Shocker! Hamas Leader Speaks to Masses in Tunisia

Seriously, at some point, the liberal media will have to come face to face with what it has done in helping the 'Arab Spring' become reality. This bit of news, that Hamas leader Isamail Haniyeh spoke to quite the crowd in Tunisia, is another in a long line of examples that demonstrate it.

Via Jerusalem Post:
...tens of thousands of Tunisians gathered outside the palatial government complex in the Tunisian capital to see Haniyeh speak, chanting in support of "Palestinian liberation."

Protesters also chanted "Death to Israel" and "the army of Mohammed is back," as Haniyeh reiterated his pledge not "to lay down our arms" or recognize Israel, according to AFP.

The Ennahda party, banned under the rule of ousted Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, has since become the country's largest party, garnering 40 percent of votes in last October's parliamentary elections.

Haniyeh has traveled Arab and Muslim nations on a Middle East tour that began December 25, including Egypt, Sudan, Turkey and Tunisia.
This begs the question. How bad was Ben Ali if he banned a party that embraces Hamas?

The left in general and the liberal media in particular is on a collision course with its complicity in what is unfolding in the Middle East. It will only be able to deny reality for so long. Unfortunately, those of us who've known all along they've been wrong, will suffer many of the same consequences.

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