Monday, January 16, 2012

Video: The Man who should be President

Politicians who say all the right things and do all the wrong things are in abundance but what about those who do the right things? The words of such people are nice but are almost rendered insignificant because actions speak louder than words.

Enter Wisconsin governor, Scott Walker, who has a message for Washington politicians: Grow a pair.

Sheer awesomeness, via Daily Caller:

I wonder if he had Speaker John Boehner in mind.

Here is Boehner as House Minority leader in 2009, when he had no real power to stop Obamacare. He could talk as tough as he wanted and in the end, it really didn't matter:

Here is Boehner shortly after the 2010 election, when it became apparent he would have the power he lacked in 2009. It would have been nice to seem him just as angry at a time when he could actually do something about it. Instead, we got this:

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