Monday, January 2, 2012

Video: NBC's David Gregory Challenges Santorum on Support for Romney in 2008

In 2008, Rick Santorum endorsed Mitt Romney as the conservative alternative to John McCain. As a staunch conservative myself, I preferred Romney to McCain at the time as well. It's not like Santorum chose Romney over Reagan. That said, it was a fair question on the part of Meet the Press's David Gregory to ask. Santorum answered it fine; it was an obvious attempt at a 'gotcha' moment, which I have no problem with.

Would love to see Obama asked about his support of registered socialists in the Democratic Party. Using that standard, Romney is very conservative and if this is Gregory's best effort to catch Santorum in a lie, maybe it's time to start whipping out three years worth of lies from the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


h/t Freedom's Lighthouse:

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