Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Video: Paul Shows his 'Testy' Side to CNN Again

I've been consistently critical of Ron Paul because, well, his foreign policy views warrant it. However, in this case, it's hard to fault him. If there is fault to be found, one could argue that his top aide, Jesse Benton, overreacted here but even that may be a stretch.

CNN's Dana Bash asked Paul about his potential inability to connect with New Hampshire voters while citing an earlier incident at a diner in which Paul's campaign ended the visit because of what it saw as a media mob forming. As a result, a woman who said she voted for Obama in 2008 but was considering Paul in 2012, didn't get to shake Paul's hand.

When Bash asked the question, Benton shouted, 'That's a junk question.' Paul blamed reporters 'like' Bash for his having to leave the diner. Fast Forward to the 1:00 mark to see the exchange.

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