Monday, January 2, 2012

Video: Ron Paul's 9/11 Truth Problem Growing

Does anyone but me get the sense that Ron Paul has to walk a fine line with 9/11 Trutherism similar to what Mitt Romney has done on abortion? Ron Paul has been courting the Truther vote ever since the theory that 9/11 was an inside job began to surface. Now that he's a top tier candidate in Iowa, appearing on mainstream media outlets, he has to distance himself from them.

Check out this rather defensive exchange Paul had with ABC's Jake Tapper:

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That is a far different answer from what Ron Paul gave to a Truther in Los Angeles. When asked why he won't come out publicly about 9/11 Trutherism, Paul says it's because the issue is too controversial, not because he doesn't believe it. Fast forward to the :52 mark.

h/t The Blaze

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