Friday, January 13, 2012

Video: US Troops Urinating on Dead Taliban (and Selective Media Outrage)

The left wing media is already calling this Abu Ghraib II. A video that allegedly shows American troops urinating on dead Taliban insurgents is getting all kinds of attention and once again, the media has a far bigger problem with this than it does with, say, a murderous, cruel, and barbaric terrorist being given the red carpet treatment by the White House just last month.

Before getting to the video of US troops showing ill-advised treatment of barbarians who would have tortured those soldiers endlessly if they had the chance, let's have a look at Hadi al-Ameri; he was invited to the Oval Office last month as a member of an Iraqi delegation; al-Ameri is Iraq's Minister of Transportation.

Al-Ameri, according to a Jordanian source known as Al-Malaf Net, identified al-Ameri as a brutal terrorist who has been the head of an Iranian force known as Badr. He is also a member of al Quds, Iranian's elite military wing.

Fox News reported on the outrage of the victims of the Khobar Towers bombing in 1996. They were livid at the invitation of al-Ameri to the White House. Unlike the endless coverage we're likely to see about what US troops dead to Taliban corpses, the al-Ameri story was rather short-lived.

Translated documents reveal that al-Ameri seemed to climb up through the ranks of the Iranian power structure by making American troops at Abu Ghraib look like pikers:
While being in Iran, Al Ameri played a role in torturing the Iraqi prisoners, who were captured by Iran during the Iraqi-Iranian war. Prisoners who returned from there accuse him of being the cruelest against them. This role helped him to reach the status that he occupies in the eyes of the Iranians.
A tortuous, terrorist agent of Iran - who likely has the blood of Americans on his hands - is welcomed into the White House without any real media coverage to speak of while American troops urinating on dead Taliban insurgents is going to get wall to wall coverage.

Compare what al-Ameri has done with this.

Video via Washington Post:

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Here is video of al-Ameri bowing and kissing the Ayatollah. If we were dealing with a responsible media, this would get FAR MORE attention than the video above:

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