Monday, January 23, 2012

Wow! Newt Surges to 8 Point over Romney in Florida?!

If you thought the Republican establishment is unhinged over Romney's loss in South Carolina, this latest development could have them frothing at the mouth soon.

According to the InsiderAdvantage poll, Gingrich leads Romney by 8 points in a state where Romney just a week ago had a double digit lead. The worst part for Romney? Santorum has 11% of the support and the majority of that would likely go to Gingrich.

Via Newsmax:
The InsiderAdvantage poll of of 557 registered Republican voters is one of the first polls taken in Florida in the aftermath of Gingrich's double-digit win in the South Carolina primary Saturday.

The poll results follow:

Gingrich: 34%

Romney: 26%

Paul: 13%

Santorum: 11%

Other: 2%

No opinion: 14%

The InsiderAdvantage poll was the first major poll last week to show the significant surge for Gingrich in South Carolina.
 h/t Hapblog

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