Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ann Coulter campaigning for a Democrat; No, really

Did you know that the founder of Operation Rescue and ardent pro-life activist Randall Terry is running for president... as a Democrat? Not only that but Ann Coulter is scheduled to speak at one of his fundraisers.

Via the Daily Caller:
While conservative commentator Ann Coulter has been firmly in GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s corner during the primary season, the ardently pro-life pundit will also be speaking at a fundraising event for a candidate running in the Democratic presidential primary.

Randall Terry, a primary challenger to President Barack Obama, however, is not just any Democratic candidate. Terry, a pro-life activist, is running purely to raise awareness about abortion.

Coulter explained to The Daily Caller that her participation in the fundraising event is to show “solidarity with the pro-life movement.”
Terry appears to be doing in the Democratic Party what Ron Paul is doing in the Republican Party. Both men have virtually no shot at winning the nomination and are staying in the race to make their issues relevant. Paul's libertarian agenda is what drives him and Terry's pro-life agenda does the same. Terry has openly conceded that he's in the race primarily to draw attention to the abortion issue.

Interestingly, this comes at a time when the Obama campaign has demonstrated that it wants to move away from abortion and make the issue about contraception.

Special Guests has more.

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