Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ouch: Stephen Colbert Proxy-Circumcizes Dead Mormons

Tasteless? Yes. Relevant? Certainly. A foreshadowing of what to expect if Mitt Romney becomes the Republican nominee? Not only is it a foreshadowing but it's a small chip of ice from the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

It started with CNN delving into the Mormon practice of baptizing dead people by proxy, in which a living Mormon is baptized and simultaneously baptizes ten or so dead non-Mormons in an act of posthumous conversion. CNN made it news when it did several stories on the outrage of Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, who understandably had a problem with Holocaust victims appearing on the list.

Most recently, it was learned that Anne Frank appeared on the Mormon list. Here, Stephen Colbert gets quite down and dirty with the Mormon practice and brings out a Jewish intern to posthumously convert several dead Mormons to Judaism. Note during this clip that Colbert plays an excerpt from MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell referring to these proxy baptisms.

Anyone who supports a Romney nomination better wake up because he will be bludgeoned by this issue and he will lose not because of his liberal record, his flip-flops on abortion, his being pigeon-holed as part of the 1%, or RomneyCare. All of that will be dwarfed by what the liberal media will do to him over his religion.

Oh, and Romney has admitted to participating in these proxy, posthumous baptisms.

Via MediaIte:

Question: Has anyone seen Colbert do anything remotely close to this when it comes to Islam?

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