Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ron Paul Pot meet Conspiracy 'Addict' Kettle

Hypocrisy on a stick, anyone? When asked by CNN's Wolf Blitzer about claims that he has entered into an alliance with Mitt Romney that involves his son Rand possibly being chosen as Romney's running mate, Ron Pau, who has sown up the 9/11 Truther conspiracy vote, accuses Rick Santorum of being an 'addict on conspiracies.' If ever there was an example of projection, this is it. In fact, the conspiracy theory mindset among a significant contingent of Paul's supporters doesn't even know how to take anything at face value because everything is a conspiracy.

I have my own theory on why Paul is laying off of Romney.

And, of course, there is no bigger conspiracy theorist than radio talk show host Alex Jones. Ron Paul is a regular on Jones' program and has the full endorsement of Jones, who is a 9/11 Truther himself.

First, the exchange with Blitzer, via Weasel Zippers:

Of course, in this video, Ron Paul practically admits to being a 9/11 Truther. At minimum, he certainly helped to fuel the conspiracy with his answer. That answer also proves that Ron Paul is not willing to come forward with everything he believes because of what it would do to him politically (see above video with Wolf Blitzer).

After watching this, remember that it was Paul who called Santorum an "addict on conspiracies."

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