Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ron Paul's lack of Fiscal Transparency

Ain't this interesting. Whenever the subject of the Federal Reserve is brought up to Ron Paul, one of the things he makes hay about is the institution's secrecy; it's hiding something very big. It's one of the things he points to right before he demands that the Fed be audited.

However, it seems Dr. Paul has something about which he should be open to showing others. In particular, on several occasions, the congressman from Texas was allegedly reimbursed twice for various flights. The worst part? He allegedly knew about it.

Via Big Government:
Rep. Paul, through his offices, has repeatedly refused to cooperate by providing access to the Congressman and pertinent staff members. As an elected member of government, it would look better if Paul set an example for the same type of transparency in his professional financial dealings, as he has long advocated for with regard to other branches of government.
I have a suggestion for Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke the next time he is testifying before a congressional committee.

He should say the following before he issues his opening statement.

"I hereby call for an audit of Congressman Ron Paul's plane ticket reimbursements."

More at Roll Call. 

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