Sunday, February 19, 2012

Syrian Rebels flying Al-Qaeda Flags, McCain wrong again

Senator John McCain's record as a prognosticator is quite sad. In 2008, he told a town hall that they did "not have to be scared" (of an Obama presidency). In April of 2011, he went to Libya and told Al-Jazeera that the rebels there were his "heroes." Once his heroes had seen the overthrow of Gadhafi, they flew the al-Qaeda flag from atop the Benghazi Courthouse.

Apparently quite thick-headed, McCain is not getting the message even as the Syrian rebels are flying the al-Qaeda flag as well.

Via al-Wasat with h/t to Jawa:

Here is Senator McCain on Hannity's February 13th television show, doing his best "Baghdad Bob" impersonation, actually singing the praises of the Tunisian government and defending the Muslim Brotherhood's rise in Egypt.

There is simply no way McCain doesn't understand what's going on so these words he's uttering have to be the result of a political calculation. There comes a point, however, when such rhetoric, regardless of how well-intentioned it is, becomes harmful. We passed that point a long time ago, Senator.

McCain's views here are ridiculously foolish. Via Global Post:

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