Thursday, February 9, 2012

Video: Carney says Contraceptive Mandate 'Virtually Identical' to Romney's

If you accept the premise, as I do, that Obama's preferred Republican opponent in the general election is Mitt Romney, we may have uncovered another reason that the recent contraceptive mandate was an overreach.

When asked to respond to criticism from Mitt Romney about the HHS rule which mandates that Religious institutions offer contraceptive services, to include the "morning after" pill, White House press secretary went after Romney for implementing a 'virtually identical' program when the latter was governor of Massachusetts.

Obama's rule has clearly become a campaign issue because of its controversy; it's an issue that Romney must address with Republican voters, though he probably would rather not have to based on his own record. Nonetheless, he did and Carney appears incapable of withholding his criticism of Romney, despite it being the most advantageously strategic thing to do if Mitt is the administration's desired opponent next November.

CNS News has the VIDEO

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