Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Video: Darrell Issa interviewed by Megyn Kelly on Jaime Zapata

Rep. Darrell Issa appeared on Megyn Kelly's show today to discuss the new revelations about ATF's involvement in the murder of ICE Agent Jaime Zapata on February 15, 2011. Incidentally, eleven days before Zapata's death, the DOJ sent the infamous February 4th letter in which they denied gun walking ever took place. Almost one year later, Assistant Atty General Lanny Breuer, the head of the Criminal Division, admitted that letter was inaccurate.

Here's the interview between Kelly and Issa. Note that Issa refers back to the DOJ IG being in possession of 80,000 pages of documents while his committee has only 6,000 pages. He makes it clear that all the IG would have to do to honor the subpoena is to hit a button.

h/t FFI

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