Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Video: Former Reagan Attorney General Mum on Fast and Furious Accountability

This is a head-scratcher. Edwin Meese, former Attorney General under Ronald Reagan, is unwilling to comment on who should be held accountable over operation Fast and Furious. No comment on the falsified letter; no comment on Holder's inconsistent testimony; no comment after this thing has been dragging on for over a year.

Via Daily Caller:

As someone who knows how the Department of Justice works, it's shocking that Meese would rather appear ignorant than informed. There has been far more than enough information made public over the last year for Meese to have a more substantive take than that.

Meese concedes knowing about Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's death and the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans but is unwilling to identify who should be held accountable after more than a year?!

His answer, in part, was that as a former Attorney General himself, it's hard to get to the truth. Uh, if it's that hard to get to the truth about something like a decision to put guns in the hands of bad guys, perhaps Mr. Meese, at the very least, would agree that the government is far too big.

Sipsey Street has an interesting take on Meese's reticence to assign blame.

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