Sunday, February 19, 2012

Video: Liberal Media scared Romney might lose

Liberals lie. It's what they do. Once you accept that premise, this exchange on Meet the Press is much easier to process. The narrative among the establishment is that Mitt Romney has the best chance to beat Obama. I still haven't figured out the thick-headedness of the Republican establishment and why it believes that. Mitt Romney will be filleted if he wins the nomination.

Enter Helene Cooper, the White House correspondent for the New York Times. As such, she is an undeniable liberal. Therefore, she lies. Take note of what she says here. The Obama administration thinks it will "crush" Santorum or Gingrich but is just confident that it can beat Romney. Assuming that liberals lie - which they do - why would the White House issue that message? Because it really wants to face Romney. Think about it. Why would a liberal tell the truth?

h/t Hapblog:

This recent piece by CNN shows exactly why the White House wants to face Romney. His religion will become a central issue if he wins the nomination. Look for the media to pull back on pieces like this for a while, as long as Romney's nomination is in doubt:

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