Monday, February 6, 2012

Video: Man who predicted Republican Nominee would be Pawlenty or Daniels says the Race is Over

Why do people who prove not to be credible prognosticators continue to prognosticate? Wouldn't they just be safer with analysis of current events without whipping out their unreliable crystal ball. Dick Morris might just be the perfect example. Great at analysis but so much egg on his face when it comes to prognostication that he could use it as a halloween mask.

George Will provides another example. In May of 2011, Will forcefully asserted that Mitch Daniels, Tim Pawlenty, or Barack Obama would be elected president in 2012. Assuming that he thought Daniels and Pawlenty were the only ones who could beat Obama, he believes Obama will be reelected.

If, however, he believed that one of those two men would get the nomination, his prognostication skills have proven to be somewhat lacking.

Here he is on ABC This Week telling everyone that the race is over and that Romney has it locked up.

Here is Will in May, 2011 saying it will either be Obama, Daniels, or Pawlenty. Is he ready to back up his earlier prediction and say that Obama will be re-elected?

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