Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Video: RNC Chairman says Fast and Furious Investigation will not "let up"

RNC Chairman Reince Preibus is now publicly chiming in on Eric Holder's culpability in the Fast and Furious scandal. Specifically, he seemed to hone in on a subject that reared its head in the exchange between Attorney General Eric Holder and Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) during the February 2nd Oversight Committee hearing.

In that exchange, Chaffetz pressed Holder on the reasons why the latter did not consult with his colleagues in other Departments - colleagues like Hillary Clinton and Janet Napolitano.

Though there have been reports that Speaker John Boehner may be putting the breaks on Issa's investigation, Preibus doesn't seem to be hinting at that possibility. In fact, he refers to Holder as carrying "an air of indictment" and says the Attorney General "lied under oath."

Here's the video via Daily Caller:

Here is the exchange between Holder and Chaffetz that Preibus seems to be referring to:

Hearing Preibus talk about this is encouraging but getting a strong public statement from Boehner would be much better.

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