Saturday, February 25, 2012

Video: Romney, Michigan's Trees, and Two Cars

At a campaign stop in Detroit, in Romney's home state, the former Massachusetts Governor went a bit overboard in his attempt at ingratiating himself with Michiganders. If you find yourself inclined to stop watching after Romney speaks glowingly of the trees in Michigan all being "the right height," don't (though I still can't figure out where he was going with that, the closest I can come is an obscure Goldilocks metaphor, but I digress).

Romney then muses aloud about all of the American made cars he and his wife have owned and then, while going down the list, said that his wife "drives two Cadillacs."

Does she drive them both at once, Mitt? Doesn't make much sense for a candidate who is already fighting the 1% Wall Street corporate elitist label, does it?

Folks, Obama so desperately wants this man to be the nominee, it's not even up for debate but for some reason, the establishment continues to push him on American voters.

h/t Hot Air

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