Sunday, February 26, 2012

Video: TIME's Joe Klein compares Rush Limbaugh to Jim Jones

This would be laughable if it wasn't such a blatant act of projection. While on a panel filled with leftists like Chris Matthews, TIME Magazine's Joe Klein compares conservative voters to the followers of Jim Jones. In fact, Klein makes a direct comparison between Jones and Rush Limbaugh, saying that the talk radio giant is believed by his minions to be God.

First, some history. Jim Jones was an avowed Marxist who had the Democratic Party in his back pocket. To varying degrees, he had the support of then (and current) California Governor Jerry Brown, Willie Brown, and Ralph Nader. He was also the quintessential Community Organizer

Before you watch Klein, check out this history lesson on Jim Jones. Caution: Jones frequently used the "N" word. Additional language warning as well.

Via Anti-Communist:

Now that you have some perspective, check out Joe Klein.

Via Daily Caller:

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