Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Video: U.S. General Apologizes for Burning Qur'ans

Where on earth were these apologies when the U.S. Military burned Bibles at the same Bagram military base in 2009? The best part? General John R. Allen referred to the offended party as being the "noble people of Afghanistan." Are these the same "noble people" that proceeded to act like undignified savages after it was learned that the Qur'ans had been burned?

Via NPR:
In a video that underscores how seriously the U.S. military and NATO are taking something that profoundly offends Muslims, the commander of international forces in Afghanistan today apologizes four times for what he says was the improper disposal — burning, apparently — of Qurans and other Islamic religious materials at Bagram Air Field north of Kabul.

Word of what U.S. Gen. John Allen says was the unintentional actions of some International Security Assistance Force troops on the base led to a protest today by more than 2,000 angry Afghans outside the air field, The Associated Press reports. The wire service says that some protesters shouted "die, die foreigners!" and fired shots into the air.

During his 90-second video message, which the BBC says has been played repeatedly on Afghan TV today, Allen says:

— An investigation has begun.

— Such actions have been stopped.

— He has ordered "this does not ever happen again."

— "I assure you ... I promise you ... this was not intentional in any way."

And he apologizes to the president of Afghanistan, the government of Afghanistan and "most importantly ... to the noble people of Afghanistan."
Here's General John R. Allen. I don't know who's responsible for this position of the military but it has become quite embarrassing and it's long past being tiresome.

Can you imagine General Patton or MacArthur doing this? If so, please let me know how you're able to do it because I'm having trouble.

CNS News has more.

h/t GWP

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