Saturday, March 31, 2012

20 Year-old Video: Al Sharpton on Manipulating the Media for his advantage

This man is an utter disgrace. Here is video of Al Sharpton from twenty years ago, explaining exactly how he is able to manipulate the media in race cases. By the way, that would be the same media that is now - thanks to this video being available for every member of the liberal media to view - willfully complicit in the furtherance of Sharpton's tactics from this point forward.

Via Breitbart:


  1. Holder is the highest justice official in the country who has lied under oath many times and been in contempt of court by stonewalling and refusing to cooperate with the senate committee- and stimulus money was used to sell guns to the Zeta Mexican Drug cartel- and yet NO ONE will go to jail for these crimes- because the news-media BLACKOUT about Obama’s entire past criminal history covers up his crimes- such as his FORGED birth certificate & multiple SSN’s used in real estate scams-

  2. Holder is the highest justice official in the country who has lied under oath many times and been in contempt of court by stonewalling and refusing to cooperate with the senate committee- and stimulus money was used to sell guns to the Zeta Mexican Drug cartel- and yet NO ONE will go to jail for these crimes- because the news-media BLACKOUT about Obama’s entire past criminal history covers up his crimes- such as his FORGED birth certificate & multiple SSN’s used in real estate scams-

  3. You know Barrack, it's a little bit of "conspiracy theory" on my part ... but I could honestly see Osama (errrr, I mean Obama) having a hand in this b/c I think he's despicable enough to use this story as a rallying point to gain more ethnic votes. Hence, his comments about Trayvon.
