Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Big Government: There is Video of that Saul Alinsky play Obama attended

Yesterday, Andrew Breitbart's legacy began with an explosive revelation about Barack Obama's attendance at a play and participation in a panel discussion afterward; that 1998 play celebrated the life of Saul Alinsky. Now BG is reporting there is a lone video recording of the play and it's in the hands of an Obama supporter who directed the play. Her name is Pam Dickler and she has no intention of coughing it up.

Via Big Government:
“There is only one archive tape of the play and I have it,” Dickler informed our source. “It is not in Chicago.”

Dickler told our source that she doesn’t believe she’s ever watched the tape, and she doesn’t know if it “can be viewed.” But she added: “No one is going to see the tape.”

She said she felt “very protective over it … due to all of the interest from conservatives recently.” She also told our source that the poster for the play was never supposed to be distributed.

Dickler added that there were no transcripts of the panel discussion.
“They didn’t know he was going to go on to become the president,” she said. “If they had known that, they would have of course kept any transcripts, but there were never any taken.”
Am I the only one who had flashbacks to this story from 2008 after reading that? The Los Angeles Times sat on a video of Barack Obama that likely would have prevented him from becoming president.

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