Thursday, March 1, 2012

Commentary on Andrew Breitbart

As someone who has had the opportunity to write for Andrew Breitbart's Big Government and Big Peace websites, it's truly sad to see such an iconic and fiercely patriotic figure leave us today. I never met Andrew but thanks to his vision for fighting the left, I was able to be a part of his team.

With his BIG sites, Andrew gave thousands of people megaphones and platforms. In an age when so many Americans are angry about what's been happening to their country, Andrew gave so many the power to be heard and informed. He called his writers, which numbered in the thousands, an 'Army of Davids.' As best as I can tell, that's how he saw this fight.

All anti-venom must consist of a bit of venom. Breitbart was a former liberal who knew how liberals thought; he was inside their heads and they knew it.  In a world filled with increasing amounts of liberal venom, Breitbart was like conservative anti-venom. The Alinsky-style tactics used by the left proved ineffective when used on Breitbart. I remember watching him stare into a camera phone held by a progressive blogger and yell, "F**k you John Podesta." When it came to the Alinsky rule that said when you ridicule others, they react to your advantage, the opposite was true with Breitbart; he reacted to his own advantage whenever he was ridiculed.

If Al Gore invented the internet, Andrew Breitbart invented the blogosphere. It was Andrew who got on the internet while it was in its infancy and helped form it into what it is today. He posted excerpts from left wing arms like the Associated Press and Reuters. He then highlighted their absurdities by commenting on their liberal propaganda masquerading as news. Such entities have been on defense ever since. Breitbart was a true trailblazer who found a way to bring righteously indignant Americans into the fold of political discourse. He gave people the tools they needed to fight lies.

If there was ever someone who built a system that groomed his replacements, it was Andrew Breitbart.

The best way for Andrew Breitbart's fight to continue is for his Army of Davids to continue fighting it.

Carry on, soldiers.

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