Friday, March 23, 2012

Guest Writer: David Conn on Mitt Romney (Part 1)

David Conn was a central figure in exposing Jim Jones in the 1970's. In fact, he is the one primarily responsible for causing Jones to panic and ultimately uproot his flock from Northern California and then moving it to Guyana, South America. He studied Jones for years and is considered an expert on cult mentalities.

A few months ago, I received a column from him that focused on Mitt Romney and I have posted it below. He recently wrote a follow-up article, which I will be posting tomorrow. Here is a link to his website. Interestingly, another man - Pastor O'Neal Dozier - arrived at similar conclusions and made news earlier this month when he called on Romney to denounce his "racist" religion.

Anyway, here is Conn's first of two articles.

What You Must Understand about Mitt Romney
David Conn
October, 2011

If Mitt Romney is nominated, Obama will win a second term. The radical Democrat attack machine will stop at nothing to expose all the weirdness of Romney's Mormonism, things about which the public, including Catholics and evangelicals, are mostly unaware.

Romney will be forced to lie about his own cultic faith. And the more he lies, the more the leftist attack dogs will be able to expose both him and Mormonism. It will be Mormonism's first world wide exposure -- and with it will come a full exposure of Romney's major intellectual weakness: the inability to see the obvious.

Obama's forces, though, will not directly attack Romney. They will do it through radical instruments and ties to left wing organizations that are utterly without scruples. Through them, Obama and his mob, with more than a billion dollars in their coffers, will pull out every stop in displaying the inanities of the Mormon cult.

It will not be pleasant. Obama's political army, though, will appear completely innocent. They will even falsely display a criticism of organizations who disparage Romney's religion. They will exude sensitivity.

Romney will be in a strange spot, for he cannot deny that he holds all those strange Mormon beliefs. He can only say that he is a Mormon in good standing. And that will launch him into an arena where Obama and his regime will take great and secret delight. For they will surreptitiously reveal every bizarre belief held by Romney and the Mormon cult:
... the soul -- the mind of man -- the immortal spirit. Where did it come from?  All learned men and doctors of divinity say that God created it in the beginning; but it is not so; the very idea lessens man in my estimation.... The mind or the intelligence which man possesses is co-equal with God.
(from Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 352-253)
They also believe that Christ was the spirit brother of the Devil, and celebrated his own marriage to "both the Marys and Martha, whereby he could see his seed before he was crucified" (see Pearl of Great Price, Moses 4:1-4 Journal of Discourses, Vol. 13, p. 282, and the Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, pp. 259-260).

Their Book of Moses states that the very first murderer, Cain, was the father of the Negro race: "his black skin was due to a curse by God." That is why, for a hundred years or more, Blacks were paid little attention. Mormons believed that the Blacks' 'preexistent souls' "were less than valiant in the 'war in heaven' between Christ and Satan," and that they were being "punished by being assigned to black bodies during their mortality."

And the American Indians were thought to be "descendents of the Book of Mormon's wicked Lamanites, ... allegedly cursed by the Mormon deity with dark skins as a punishment for the misdeeds of their forefathers."   (See Walter Martin's Kingdom of the Cults, p.218) It was Dr. Martin's observation that "Mormonism, then, is clearly a religion with a shameful history of white supremacist doctrines and practices."

It is a fact that Obama’s radical cadre has taken careful note of the crazy cult beliefs of the Mormons. It is also aware that the American public has almost no knowledge of the anomalous Mormon precepts and the weird Mormon history. And the Obama team will utilize every opportunity to inform the public of the stunning details throughout the history of Mormonism. Only then will the media happily relay what the Obama team has “uncovered.” It will be the Mormon’s first major exposure. And that is how Obama would gain his second term.

Barack Obama's intellectual cowardice is vast and remains yet unfathomed, due to an unrestrained mendacity. But Romney's cultic propensities are miniscule compared to Barrack Obama's radical Marxist-socialism coupled with his false Christianity and extravagant defense of Islam's radical global goals. Romney is confined to a comparatively less harmful cult mentality and thus would do far less harm than Obama. But what does it matter? Obama will see to it that Romney is not elected! Obviously, then, it would be best if Romney is not the Republican candidate.

(David Conn is an expert on cult mentalities. He has a standing offer to debate the Mormon hierarchy at any time and place of their choosing. He co-authored THE CULT THAT DIED, Putnam's Sons of New York, and is the author of LEDNORF'S DILEMMA. His email is and his web site is

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