Saturday, March 31, 2012

Is Arizona State Legislature suffering from John Boehner syndrome?

Do you remember when news broke earlier this year that Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Charles Grassley were going to get support at the Arizona state level with respect to the Fast and Furious investigation? Yeah, well, not only has the deadline for the legislature to provide its findings come and gone but there hasn't been ONE SINGLE PUBLIC MEETING on the topic.

Via ABC 15 in Phoenix:
The special state committee, created in January to investigate the controversial ATF Fast and Furious case, will not meet its March 30, 2012 deadline to provide its findings about the controversial case to the governor.

According to Rey Torres, the Director of Communications for the Arizona House of Representatives, the Ad Hoc Committee on Operation Fast and Furious has not yet held a meeting and currently has no meeting scheduled. 
The group was formed to investigate the factual background of the flawed Fast and Furious case , in which ATF agents admitted to allowing straw buyers to obtain weapons and distribute them to known criminals.

Torres said it is unlikely that a meeting will be scheduled before the legislative session is finished sometime next month.
Additionally, there is new information on one of the Fast and Furious guns recovered at a crime scene in Maricopa County two years ago. This news report focuses on the apprehension of a suspect driving a stolen vehicle that was carrying an AK-47 connected to Fast and Furious. The criminal actually pointed a separate gun at the police officer who was chasing him but it's easy to imagine a scenario whereby the driver of the stolen vehicle could have fatally shot a police officer.

h/t Sipsey Street

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