Monday, March 12, 2012

Northern Sudan demanding Christians to leave

This bit of news is particularly relevant in light of the viral Kony 2012 video which has been endorsed by the Obama administration. Northern Sudan, led by the Muslim Brotherhood's Omar al-Bashir, is now threatening all Christians to leave the region in less than a month. Remember, as long as the world's focus is on Joseph Kony, it's off Bashir, which could prove deadly to thousands of Sudanese Christians.

Via ENI News:
Sudanese Christians who have barely a month to leave the north or risk being treated as foreigners are starting to move, but Christian leaders are concerned that the 8 April deadline set by Islamic-majority Sudan is unrealistic.

"We are very concerned. Moving is not easy ... people have children in school. They have homes ... It is almost impossible," Roman Catholic Bishop Daniel Adwok, the Khartoum archdiocese auxiliary told ENInews in a telephone interview on 7 March.

Sudan in February announced the deadline for the former citizens it had stripped of nationality after South Sudan's January 2011 vote to secede. The ultimatum will affect an estimated 500,000-700,000 people, who are mainly Christians of southern origin that still live in the north.

Many of them fled north during the long civil war fought between the Government of Sudan and the former rebels, the Sudan People's Liberation Movement. They have lived there for decades together with children who were born there. Few have ties with South Sudan.
Remember, Machine Gun Preacher Sam Childers said the following in response to the now insanely viral Kony 2012 video:
"If all eyes are not focused on South Sudan, what Bashir is doing there, within the next two months, we could have another genocide in South Sudan. It needs to be stopped NOW."
Looks like he's right...

Last month, the Sudan Tribune reported that the Muslim Brotherhood was leaning on Bashir hard to enforce Sharia law. In essence, the forcing of Northern Christians from their homes is a directive coming straight from the same Muslim Brotherhood that the Obama administration's policies have benefited at practically every turn.

This topic dominated my March 11th program which is available for mp3 download.

Back to the Kony 2012 video, endorsed by both P. Diddy and Oprah. Focusing on Kony exclusively is counter-productive and actually helps Bashir (Muslim Brotherhood) by taking the spotlight off of Sudan. It's like treating a leg infected with gangrene by cutting off the little toe and then telling the patient that he's cured.

Again, here's the Kony 2012 video that the Obama administration supports. Yes, Kony represents the little toe in the gangrene allegory:

h/t Weasel Zippers

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