Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ouch: Mitt Romney's son calls Obama "Great"

Perhaps Mitt Romney's son, Matt, took his dad's public stance on not saying "anything outrageous" about Obama. While in Hawaii to support his father in that state's caucus, Matt obviously went to extreme lengths not to say anything bad about Obama. Those extreme lengths may have backfired.

A few months ago, Matt stepped into a bit of controversy when he made a quip about Obama's Birth Certificate. Responding to a question about that quip while in Hawaii to campaign for his father, Matt disappointed the birthers.

Matt Romney who graciously greeted volunteers made headlines last winter when he suggested his father would provide his tax returns only after President Barack Obama released his birth certificate.

It's a remark he attempted to smooth over, adding he does not question President Obama's citizenship.

"Yes, I am satisfied, absolutely," said Matt Romney.
Perhaps more damaging to team Romney than that was how Matt responded to a question about whether he believes that Obama is a Christian:
Mitt Romney, who is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is expected to win over the Laie community, whose faith is pre-dominantly Mormon.

When asked if he believes President Obama is a Christian, Matt Romney said yes but did not elaborate.

"I'm not here to talk about President Obama. I think he is great. I'm here to talk about my dad and what he would bring to the country," said Matt Romney.
That could be a damaging comment. It is completely out-of-phase with what Republican voters actually believe and another indication that Romney's strategy is a carbon copy of the one John McCain implemented in 2008.

Perhaps Matt should have stayed home this time around.


h/t DC

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